
We created a private portal for homeowners to connect with neighbors and find the right information, resources and contractors to manage, maintain and improve their home.

Join the Homeowner Portal

How it Works

community of neighbors

The Homeowner Portal is a members only area that is free for local residents and local business owners.

The portal is private and secure and is the place we share the stuff you really need to know about owning a local home.

Homeowner Resources

Unlike most real estate websites, the Homeowner Portal focuses on the things you need to manage, maintain and improve your home.

Most information comes from tips and recommendations from your neighbors.

Your Homeowner plan

We’ll help you create a Homeowner Plan that you can use to manage your household and improve the investment value of your home.

A little planning goes a long way and is a huge help with running your household.

Local Insights

We highly encourage neighbors to share their local experience and insights about owning a home and living in town. We share all those insights inside the Homeowner Portal.

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Free for Locals

The Homeowner area is free for local residents and local business owners. It’s a private area, where we verify the identity of new members, and restrict access to locals only.

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Inside the Homeowner Portal






Man Laptop






Be Neighborly

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After my basement flooded I would have been lost without the help of my neighbors. I used a local contractor recommended by my neighbor and had everything back to normal within a few days.

Jo Ann Schop